Mawgan Porth


01637 860493

To book

Email enquiries

How to book

  1. Please telephone (only staffed April to end of September) or email to check availability of dates prior to completing the booking form.
  2. Once availability confirmed complete the booking form and send deposit by BACS Bank details and how much to pay are on the booking form
  3. Telephone reservations are accepted but must be confirmed with a completed booking form and full deposit within 7 days of your telephone call. If your confirmation and deposit are not received within this period, we reserve the right to release all accommodation held.
  4. Once booking form and deposit is received we will send you a confirmation email including the balance of you booking which needs to be paid 28 days prior to the beginning of your stay.

Click on one of the links below to download the booking form,  print it off, fill in your details and email it to us.

Booking form (.doc)

Booking form (.pdf)

Camping & Touring Booking Conditions

Static Booking Conditions

Please email booking form to :-

 25% deposit for statics and £50.00 deposit per week for camp site.